DGM21 Therapeutic Massage
Why 21? 1. Ageing Gracefully and 20 more reasons for your wellness

Services and Rates

Investing In Massage Therapy Is an investment in your over all health. Take care of you


 Relaxation Massage:

 A smooth, flowing style that promotes general relaxation, improves circulation and range of movement, and  relieves muscular tension. Physically relaxes the body, reduces heart rate, relieves tired and aching muscles cramps, muscle spasms, tension headaches. Calms the nervous system. Mentally Reduces mental stress, promotes better sleep, induces mental relaxation, Calms a bad temper, improves Concentration. Emotionally Reduces anxiety, enhances self-image, provides a feeling of wellbeing.


Prenatal / Pregnancy

 Pregnancy massage is the massage of pregnant women (prenatal) and women after giving birth (postpartum). It address the special needs of pregnant women such as swollen/painful hands and feet, stress on weight bearing joints, preparation of muscles and cardio system for labor & delivery, scar tissue, exhaustion, and emotional changes. Discomforts in the low back, feet, and legs. This form of massage usually consists mainly of Swedish Massage techniques that are modified slightly to take into account the common aches and pains of pregnancy. Positioning of the client is also modified as the pregnancy progresses and the abdomen enlarges.

 Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular Therapy is a highly specialized type of soft tissue therapy designed to relieve pain and return injured tissues to normal function. It utilizes specific, targeted soft tissue treatment, flexibility stretching and self-care to eliminate the causes of most muscular aches and pains. It can provide long-term pain relief where other approaches have failed. Neuromuscular Therapy balances the nervous system with the muscular and skeletal systems and naturally brings the body back into alignment. It addresses postural and muscular imbalances, nerve entrapment, ischemia (reduced blood flow to an area of the body) and muscular trigger points.  

Today, medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopathic physicians and physical therapists advocate the use of Neuromuscular Therapy to ensure maximum health. 

Oncology Massage

Oncology Massage is a modified massage with skilled techniques used to safely work with patients  during cancer treatments and in remission. As a form of Integrative Medicine for patients that choose chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, it is used to improve quality of life.

Fibromyalgia Massage 

therapeutic massage can help  take ownership of their fibromyalgia in a positive, healing way. Regular sessions can help reconnect with themselves, and facilitate a deep state of relaxation through which they can release some of their pain. During massage the breathing slows down, as does the heart rate. This leads to a state of deep relaxation, kind of a pre-sleep state. Once you have received several sessions, your body can become more conditioned to reproduce this state of deep relaxation.

Pediatric Massage

Pediatric massage therapy can not only help children live comfortably, but may also help cure certain medical conditions.

A great example of this is the effect the massage had on some children suffering from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

Their anxiety vanished and their stress hormones got under control after they underwent massage therapy.

Moreover, young children suffering from autism can also treat through pediatric massage therapy.

Their mental condition could improve and they may be able to concentrate better.

Also, any children suffering from breathing related disorders may experience improvement in their breathing pattern.






Fibromyalgia / 60 minutes
Medical Massage / 60 minutes
Neuro-Muscular Therapy / 90 minutes
Oncology Massage / 60 minutes
Pediatric Massage / 60 minutes
Post-Natal Massage / 60 minutes
Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage / 60 minutes
Therapeutic Massage / 90 minutes
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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